- BT13-007King Drasil_7D6
- This is a special card that can activate effects in the breeding area! This card forms the centerpiece of a Royal Knights deck, as it can reduce the play costs of Digimon cards with the [Royal Knights] trait in your hand! Plus, its Start of Your Main Phase effect reduces the play costs even more. Use this card to easily play powerful Royal Knights, which normally have high play costs!
- BT13-112Omnimon
- Play this card once you have multiple Royal Knights under a [BT13-007 King Drasil_7D6]. This card's powerful On Play effect allows you to play all the Royal Knights with a different name from under a [BT13-007 King Drasil_7D6] without paying their costs! However, cards left in your breeding area will be trashed, so you must choose the best time to use this card.
- BT13-040Magnamon
- BT13-093Omnimon
- BT13-110Royal Knights
of the Purge
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-007 King Drasil_7D6 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity ST12-12 Sistermon Blanc 2 ST12-13 Sistermon Ciel 2 BT13-040 Magnamon 4 BT13-093 Omekamon 4 BT13-017 Jesmon 4 BT13-019 Gankoomon 4 BT13-030 UlforceVeedramon 3 BT13-046 Kentaurosmon 1 BT13-056 Leopardmon 2 BT13-075 Alphamon 3 BT13-077 Craniamon 1 BT13-087 Dynasmon 4 BT13-090 LordKnightmon 2 BT13-111 Gallantmon 4 BT13-059 Examon 2 BT13-112 Omnimon 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-110 Royal Knights of the Purge 4 -
In the first turns, play Royal Knights with a low play costs from your hand.
We recommend [BT13-040 Magnamon] and [BT13-087 Dynasmon] as they have low play costs along with effects that make it easy to play more Royal Knights!
[BT13-093 Omnimon] and [BT13-110 Royal Knights of the Purge] also have effects that allow you to easily add cards under a [BT13-007 King Drasil_7D6]!
During the middle of the game, continue to do battle with various Royal Knights as the situation calls, and use the <Rush> skill of cards like [BT13-110 Royal Knights of the Purge] or [BT13-111 Gallantmon] to reduce your opponent's security stack.
In the final turns, use [BT13-112 Omnimon] to move all your Royal Knights under [BT13-007 King Drasil_7D6] into the battle area and claim victory!

- BT13-020ShineGreymon:
Burst Mode - This ShineGreymon has the new "Burst Digivolve" digivolution mechanism! If you return a Marcus Damon from the battle area to your hand, you can digivolve for 0 cost! As it can play a Marcus Damon when digivolving while possessing 12000 DP and <Rush >, this card can be a powerful attacker! Additionally, it has an effect that trashes a card from your opponent's security stack when one of your Tamers is suspended! Pair with [Marcus Damon] for a surefire victory!
- BT13-095Marcus Damon
- The 2nd Tamer with a cost of 5! This Tamer can be suspended on play! Its effects on suspension immediately gives 1 of your opponent's Digimon -3000 DP and gives you an additional memory if you have [Agumon]/[Greymon]! If you can attack with this Tamer, you can also activate this effect every time you attack!
- BT13-012GeoGreymon
- BT13-015Rize
- BT13-104Final
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT12-003 Koromon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT12-034 Agumon 4 BT13-008 Agumon 4 EX4-005 Agumon 4 BT12-038 GeoGreymon 2 BT13-012 GeoGreymon 4 EX4-007 GeoGreymon 4 BT12-042 RizeGreymon 2 BT13-015 RizeGreymon 4 EX4-009 RizeGreymon 2 BT12-043 ShineGreymon 3 BT13-018 ShineGreymon 3 BT13-020 ShineGreymon: Burst Mode 2 EX4-074 ShineGreymon: Ruin Mode 2 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT12-092 Marcus Damon 4 BT13-095 Marcus Damon 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT9-099 Sunrise Buster 1 BT13-104 Final Shining Burst 1 -
First, use [BT13-012 GeoGreymon]'s effects or [BT13-015 RizeGreymon]'s effects to play [BT13-095 Marcus Damon]/[BT12-092 Marcus Damon] while preparing to digivolve ShineGreymon.
Once you can use [BT13-095 Marcus Damon]'s effects, you can stably secure memory and weaken your opponent's Digimon. When you can activate a digivolved [BT13-018 ShineGreymon]'s effects, you will be able attack/block with Marcus Damon and use effects that activate when Marcus Damon is suspended!
Once you've reduced your opponent's security stack enough by attacking with Marcus Damon and ShineGreymon, Burst Digivolve into [BT13-020 ShineGreymon: Burst Mode]! Attack with Marcus Damon to reduce the DP of your opponent's Digimon and trash cards in their security stack to make your way to victory!

- BT13-060Rosemon:
Burst Mode - This Rosemon has the new "Burst Digivolve" digivolution mechanism! You can digivolve it for 0 cost by returning a Yoshino Fujieda to your hand! When digivolving, this card allows you to suspend your opponent's Digimon and Tamers, and they can't unsuspend until the end of their turn! Use in combination with When Attacking effects to trash multiple cards from your opponent's security stack!
- BT13-100Yoshino Fujieda
- This Tamer features a classic effect that sets your memory to 3 if it's at 2 or less at the start of your turn! You also gain 1 memory when digivolving Digimon with [Vegetation], or [Fairy], giving you fast digivolutions! Use [BT13-054 Lilamon]'s effects to play this Tamer and increase your digivolutions!
- BT13-049Lalamon
- BT13-054Lilamon
- BT13-057Rosemon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT10-004 Bosamon 1 BT13-004 Budmon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT10-046 Palmon 4 BT13-049 Lalamon 4 P-069 Pulsemon 4 BT4-054 Sunflowmon 4 BT10-048 Sunflowmon 4 BT13-050 Sunflowmon 4 BT4-059 Lilamon 4 BT13-054 Lilamon 4 BT5-056 Rafflesimon 2 BT13-057 Rosemon 4 BT13-060 Rosemon: Burst Mode 4 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT1-089 Mimi Tachikawa 2 BT13-100 Yoshino Fujieda 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity P-038 Green Memory Boost! 2 -
At the start of the game, use [BT13-049 Lalamon]'s On Play effect to add cards like [BT13-057 Rosemon] and [BT13-100 Yoshino Fujieda] to your hand while preparing to digivolve [BT13-057 Rosemon]. You can also play a [BT13-100 Yoshino Fujieda] that you added to your hand when digivolving [BT13-054 Lilamon].
Speed up digivolutions using [BT13-049 Lalamon]'s When Digivolving effect and [BT13-100 Yoshino Fujieda]'s effects.
Once you digivolve into [BT13-057 Rosemon], you can suspend an opponent's Digimon or Tamer and then unsuspend this Digimon. When it's suspended, you can suspend again, making [BT13-060 Rosemon: Burst Mode]'s security stack trashing abilities even more powerful!
Use Burst Digivolve for fast digivolving and fast wins!

- BT13-092Ravemon:
Burst Mode - This Ravemon has also obtained the new "Burst Digivolve" digivolution! Return a [Keenan Crier] to your hand to digivolve for 0 cost! When digivolving, you can search your opponent's hand then trash 1 card! Plus, if your opponent has 7 or less cards in their hand, you can also reduce their security stack! When attacking, if you return 1 card from your opponent's trash to the bottom of their deck, you can delete all of your opponent's Digimon that share a name with the returned card! Use this while trashing cards from their hand, then try to delete your opponent's Digimon!
- BT13-102Keenan Crier
- This Tamer has a powerful On Play effect that makes your opponent choose between trashing 1 card from their hand or giving you 1 memory and Draw 1! If you return this Tamer to your hand when Burst Digivolving, you can use this effect multiple times! This Tamer gives you 1 memory every time a Digimon is played by an effect during your opponent's turn, blocking your opponent and giving you support by returning Ravemon from your trash!
- BT13-079Falcomon
- BT13-085Crowmon
- BT13-089Ravemon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-006 Kapurimon 1 EX4-004 Pinamon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT3-079 Tsukaimon 4 BT13-079 Falcomon 4 EX4-053 Falcomon 4 BT3-081 Devidramon 2 BT13-082 Peckmon 4 EX4-055 Peckmon 4 BT13-085 Crowmon 4 EX4-056 Crowmon 4 BT13-089 Ravemon 3 EX4-058 Ravemon 3 BT13-092 Ravemon: Burst Mode 3 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX4-064 Keenan Crier 3 BT13-102 Keenan Crier 3 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX4-070 Tarnished Hero 2 EX4-071 Ame-no-Ohabari 3 -
First prepare to digivolve into [EX4-058 Ravemon] and [BT13-089 Ravemon]. Ravemon's own effects allow it to hide in your trash, then return triumphantly to the battle area at the end of your opponent's turn! [BT13-089 Ravemon] also allows you to play Falcomon or Keenan Crier upon deletion!
If you have digivolution cards with On Deletion effects, be sure to make full use of powerful effects like repeatedly trashing cards from your opponent's hand!
Block your opponent as you play the game, return Ravemon from your trash, then digivolve into [BT13-092 Ravemon: Burst Mode]!
Trash the cards in your opponent's hand and reduce their security stack, and victory will be within easy reach once you delete multiple Digimon with the same name as the trashed Digimon!

- BT13-033MirageGaogamon:
Burst Mode - The long-awaited debut of MirageGaogamon: Burst Mode! The new Burst Digivolve digivolution mechanism allows you to get a special digivolution for 0 cost by returning Thomas H. Norstein to your hand! In addition to the When Digivolving effect that returns 1 of your opponent's Digimon to their hand, you also gain memory according to the number of cards in your opponent's hand! The powerful When Attacking effect unsuspends this Digimon while trashing cards from your opponent's hand! Combine with the new Thomas card for repeat attacks and easy victory!
- BT13-097Thomas H.
Norstein - This Tamer is great for GaoGamon decks! The card gives both you and your opponent 1 draw when Gaomon or a card on top of it attacks! Be sure to fulfill the conditions for activating GaoGamon decks' unique effects, such as activating when your opponent's hand increases and when your opponent has 8 or more cards in their hand!
- BT13-021Gaomon
- BT13-025GaoGamon
- BT13-105Full Moon
Meteor Impact
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT11-002 Wanyamon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT11-020 Gaomon 4 BT13-021 Gaomon 4 EX4-015 Gaomon 4 BT11-025 Gaogamon 2 BT13-025 GaoGamon 4 EX4-017 Gaogamon 4 BT13-029 MachGaogamon 4 EX4-019 MachGaogamon 4 BT11-033 MirageGaogamon 3 BT13-031 MirageGaogamon 3 BT13-033 MirageGaogamon: Burst Mode 3 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT4-093 Thomas H. Norstein 4 BT11-090 Nicolai Petrov 3 BT13-097 Thomas H. Norstein 3 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-105 Full Moon Meteor Impact 1 -
In the beginning of the game, use [BT13-021 Gaomon]'s effects to search for a Tamer, then use [BT13-025 GaoGamon]'s effects to prepare to play it!
When your opponent plays a Tamer, you can use [BT13-031 MirageGaogamon] to return the Tamer to their hand, giving you major advantages in battle!
When cards are added to your opponent's hand, you can return Thomas H. Norstein from the battle area to your hand in order to Burst Digivolve MirageGaogamon into [BT13-033 MirageGaogamon: Burst Mode] and go on the offensive!
Use [BT13-097 Thomas H. Norstein]'s effects to keep 9 cards in your opponent's hand. Defeat your opponent's strategies by repeatedly attacking with [BT13-033 MirageGaogamon: Burst Mode] while making your opponent return random cards from their hand to the bottom of their deck!

- BT13-088Belphemon:Sleep Mode
- This card has an On Play/When Digivolving effect that lets you place a [Belphemon: Rage Mode] from your trash on top of the digivolution cards, then this Digimon won't be affected by effects! You can also easily defend against opponent Digimon attacks by trashing 2 cards from your hand! Finally, use [BT13-091 Belphemon: Rage Mode]'s Inherited Effect to awaken Belphemon!
- BT13-091Belphemon:Rage Mode
- The true form of Belphemon after awakening from Sleep Mode! It lets out a roar at the beginning of your main phase and deletes all level 5 and lower Digimon! It then gets increased DP and <Security Attack +1> if you have 6 or less cards in your hand! Wisely use its End of Attack effect so you can make repeated raging attacks using <Security Attack +1> and unsuspending cards!
- BT13-078Phascomon
- BT13-083Gizmon: AT
- BT13-103Akihiro Kurata
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT3-006 DemiMeramon 1 BT13-006 Kapurimon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT5-071 Guilmon 4 BT13-078 Phascomon 4 BT13-080 ProtoGizmon 4 BT7-069 Eyesmon: Scatter Mode 4 BT7-072 Eyesmon 1 BT13-081 Porcupamon 4 BT13-083 Gizmon: AT 4 BT13-084 Astamon 4 BT13-086 Gizmon: XT 4 BT13-088 Belphemon: Sleep Mode 4 BT13-091 Belphemon: Rage Mode 4 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-103 Akihiro Kurata 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT7-107 Calling From the Darkness 1 BT13-109 Gift of Darkness 4 -
First prepare cards like [BT13-006 Kapurimon] and [BT13-078 Phascomon]. Gizmon Digimon like [BT13-080 ProtoGizmon] and [BT13-083 Gizmon: AT] can't digivolve but they can be sacrificed to reduce their play costs!
Make sure the required cards are placed in your trash, use [BT13-086 Gizmon: XT]'s effects to play [BT13-103 Akihiro Kurata] from your trash, then your preparations will be complete.
Use [BT13-103 Akihiro Kurata]'s effects to sacrifice Gizmon and play [BT13-088 Belphemon: Sleep Mode] for low cost! Once you've used Sleep Mode's On Play effect to place [BT13-091 Belphemon: Rage Mode] on top of its digivolution cards, awaken to Rage Mode at the end of your opponent's turn!
Use Rage Mode and [BT13-103 Akihiro Kurata]'s effects to reduce your opponent's Digimon and security stack!