![If you have [Fenriloogamon] and [Kazuchimon], you can DNA digivolve them into the Mega Digimon [Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi]!](/images/products/pack/ver17/point/05/txt_01.png?240329)

- BT17-102Greymon
[Greymon] is included as a white Digimon.
When digivolving, this Digimon can delete an opponent's Digimon with as much or less DP.
Its All Turns effect gives this Digimon all of the names of level 3 or lower cards in its digivolution cards. Depending on the digivolution cards, it can meet digivolution requirements that specify names.
Its On Deletion effect also lets you play 1 Tamer card with [Tai Kamiya] or [Kari Kamiya] in its name from your hand without paying the cost, or you can hatch a Digi-Egg in your breeding area. These effects give this Digimon card great synergy with [Omnimon] decks.
- BT17-078Omnimon ACE
A new [Omnimon] arrives with <Blast DNA Digivolve>.
In response to an opponent's attack, it can DNA digivolve from [WarGreymon] and [MetalGarurumon] in your battle area or hand for a cost of 0.
Thanks to <Rush> and <Blocker>, it has both offensive and defensive abilities, and its When Digivolving effect can delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
If this card DNA digivolves, you can also activate a bounce effect that returns multiple Digimon to the bottom of the deck at once.
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT14-001 | Koromon | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT1-029 | Gabumon | 4 |
BT12-059 | Agumon | 4 |
BT17-007 | Agumon | 4 |
BT17-019 | Gabumon | 4 |
BT17-102 | Greymon | 4 |
BT17-015 | WarGreymon | 4 |
BT17-027 | MetalGarurumon | 4 |
BT15-101 | MetalGarurumon | 2 |
BT14-101 | WarGreymon | 2 |
BT17-078 | Omnimon ACE | 4 |
EX4-073 | Omnimon Alter-B | 2 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-081 | Tai Kamiya & Matt Ishida | 4 |
BT17-093 | Tai Kamiya & Kari Kamiya | 3 |
EX4-061 | Matt Ishida & Tai Kamiya | 2 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-095 | Miraculous Mega Knight | 3 |
This deck gives you the opportunity to DNA digivolve either upon the counter timing or at the end of your turn.
First try to get the cards needed for Tamer pairings with [BT17-019 Gabumon] and cards with [Matt Ishida] in their name.
If you can digivolve into [BT17-102 Greymon], you can easily play a Tamer, plus you'll be able to delete an opponent's Digimon with as much or less DP as that Digimon.
Starting in the mid-game turns, use [BT17-015 WarGreymon] and [BT17-027 MetalGarurumon]'s effects to reduce play costs as you play cards into the battle area, and digivolve your [Agumon] and [Gabumon] that are already in the battle area into Mega Digimon! With this deck, you'll have a wide range of strategies for offense and defense. You can DNA digivolve at the end of the turn and attack, or forgo DNA digivolving so you can blast DNA digivolve at your opponet's turn.
This deck can give you all-powerful swords and shields to use at the right time, bringing you closer to victory!
- BT17-077Imperialdramon:
Paladin Mode ACE -
The legendary holy knight, Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode, now as an ACE card.
Both on play and when digivolving, this Digimon can trash the digivolution cards of all of your opponent's Digimon, then return all cards in you or your opponent's trash to the bottom of the deck. This Digimon is great for decks that make use of players' trashes.
This Digimon can also unsuspend by using its When Attacking effect to return 1 of your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards to the bottom of the deck, giving it a powerful effect worthy of a level 7 Digimon.
- BT17-097Return to the Primogenitor
This Option card is an homage to the movie Digimon Adventure 02: Revenge of Diaboromon.
In addition to an effect that can quickly digivolve one of your Digimon into a level 5 or higher Digimon card with the [Free] trait in your hand, this Option card has a powerful <Delay> effect that activates during all turns and can digivolve into a Digimon card with [Imperialdramon] in its name!
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT12-002 | DemiVeemon | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT12-021 | Veemon | 4 |
BT12-047 | Wormmon | 4 |
BT16-017 | Veemon | 3 |
BT16-040 | Wormmon | 3 |
BT12-022 | ExVeemon | 4 |
BT16-018 | ExVeemon | 2 |
BT16-041 | Stingmon | 2 |
EX1-014 | ExVeemon | 2 |
ST9-09 | Stingmon | 3 |
BT16-025 | Paildramon | 4 |
ST9-05 | Paildramon | 3 |
BT12-031 | Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode | 1 |
BT16-027 | Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode ACE | 2 |
BT16-028 | Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode | 3 |
BT17-077 | Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode ACE | 2 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT16-085 | Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijoji | 4 |
BT17-084 | Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijoji | 2 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-097 | Return to the Primogenitor | 2 |
This DNA digivolution deck can be used in many different situations thanks to its level 7 ACE Digimon, powerful Tamers, and effective Option cards.
In the beginning of the game, play cards like [BT16-085 Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijoji] or [BT17-084 Davis Motomiya & Ken Ichijoji] and prepare for DNA digivolution.
If preparations aren't complete by the mid-point of the game, you can use [BT17-097 Return to the Primogenitor] to quickly digivolve into a high-level Digimon. Its powerful <Delay> effect can also counter your opponent's deletion/removal effects! Blaze a trail to victory with power handed down over the ages!
- BT17-016Gallantmon
[Gallantmon] arrives with a new effect that references the memory position.
This Digimon can remove an opponent's Digimon with 8000 DP or less both when digivolving and when attacking, and it gets +3000 DP and <Blocker> if the removal was unsuccessful.
Plus, it gets a defensive Your Turn effect while you have 0 or less memory. Use this to attack without having to worry about your opponent's effects.
Use combinations of [BT17-001 Gigimon] and [EX2-056 Takato Matsuki] to control the memory, and take advantage of [BT17-016 Gallantmon]'s defensive effect when you attack!
- BT17-018Gallantmon:
Crimson Mode ACE -
[Gallantmon: Crimson Mode] now has an ACE card.
It can delete up to 15000 DP total of your opponent's Digimon both on play and when digivolving, giving you the ability to remove Digimon types ranging from Rookies to Megas.
You can increase the maximum deletion ability of the effect if you also have [BT17-008 Guilmon] and [BT17-010 Growlmon] from this set in digivolution cards. Use <Blast Digivolve> to counter your opponent!
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-001 | Gigimon | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
EX2-045 | Calumon | 2 |
BT17-008 | Guilmon | 4 |
EX2-008 | Guilmon | 4 |
EX4-006 | Guilmon | 2 |
ST7-03 | Guilmon | 2 |
BT12-010 | Growlmon | 4 |
BT17-010 | Growlmon | 4 |
EX4-008 | BlackGrowlmon | 2 |
BT17-013 | WarGrowlmon | 4 |
EX3-062 | WarGrowlmon | 3 |
BT13-111 | Gallantmon | 2 |
BT17-016 | Gallantmon | 4 |
BT17-018 | Gallantmon: Crimson Mode ACE | 3 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT12-089 | Takato Matsuki | 1 |
BT17-080 | Takato Matsuki | 4 |
EX2-056 | Takato Matsuki | 3 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-096 | Crimson Savior | 2 |
This deck features the new [Gallantmon] that becomes more powerful according to the memory gauge.
First try to get [Takato Matsuki] and cards for digivolutions.
If you can get [BT17-008 Guilmon], you can take advantage of its effect when you play the aforementioned [Takato Matsuki] or [EX2-045 Calumon].
Once you have all the needed cards, you can delete an opponent's Digimon by using [BT17-016 Gallantmon], and you won't have to worry about being affected by your opponent's effects if your memory is at 0 or less. If the effect didn't delete a Digimon, you can get extra DP, so you'll be at an advantage in either situation.
Finally, use <Blast Digivolve> and [BT17-018 Gallantmon: Crimson Mode ACE] to suppress your opponent's attacks and trash their top security card, then you'll be on your way to victory!
- BT17-041ShineGreymon:
Burst Mode ACE -
[ShineGreymon: Burst Mode] arrives as an ACE card.
It can play a Tamer card from your hand both on play and when digivolving, then it can reduce the DP of 1 of your opponent's Digimon by -5000 for each of your Tamers. The more Tamers you have on the field, the more powerful this DP-reducing effect becomes.
In addition, by suspending up to 2 of your Tamers when attacking, this Digimon gains <Security A. +1> for each Tamer you suspend. Make use of <Blast Digivolve> and get in a game-winning attack!
- BT17-087Marcus Damon
This card's On Play effect can give 1 of your [Marcus Damon]s <Blocker> until the end of your opponent's turn, giving you additional defensive capabilities for your field. If you play this card using its [Security] effect upon a security check from your opponent, you'll also be able to use an unexpected <Blocker> to suppress your opponent's attack.
Furthermore, this card gives one of your Digimon additional DP and you gain 1 memory when this Tamer is suspended, giving you tactical advantages with repeated suspensions.
This Agumon adds 1 to your memory at the start of your main phase if you have a red or yellow Tamer. This additional memory will allow you to digivolve into [BT17-033 GeoGreymon] and immediately attack, even when your memory is low.
You can also activate inherited effects or When Suspended effects on [Marcus Damon] when you use [BT17-033 GeoGreymon]'s effect to suspend one of your Tamers.
This Agumon adds 1 to your memory at the start of your main phase if you have a red or yellow Tamer. This additional memory will allow you to digivolve into [BT17-033 GeoGreymon] and immediately attack, even when your memory is low.
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT12-003 | Koromon | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT12-034 | Agumon | 4 |
BT13-008 | Agumon | 4 |
BT17-029 | Agumon | 4 |
BT12-038 | GeoGreymon | 3 |
BT13-012 | GeoGreymon | 1 |
BT17-033 | GeoGreymon | 4 |
BT13-015 | RizeGreymon | 3 |
BT17-037 | RizeGreymon | 4 |
BT12-043 | ShineGreymon | 2 |
BT17-039 | ShineGreymon | 4 |
BT17-041 | ShineGreymon: Burst Mode ACE | 3 |
BT13-020 | ShineGreymon: Burst Mode | 1 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT12-092 | Marcus Damon | 3 |
BT13-095 | Marcus Damon | 3 |
BT17-087 | Marcus Damon | 3 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-099 | Awakening of the Sun | 2 |
P-037 | Yellow Memory Boost! | 2 |
This new [ShineGreymon] can evade attacks and is useful for defense.
Try to play a [Marcus Damon] by the mid-point of the game using [BT12-038 GeoGreymon], [BT13-015 RizeGreymon], or [BT17-039 ShineGreymon]'s effects.
If you return 1 of your yellow Tamers to your hand, you can prevent [BT17-039 ShineGreymon] from being removed from the battle area by an opponent's effect.
If your [Marcus Damon] is returned to your hand after playing it, you can devise strategies where you play it again in order to activate its On Play effect again.
When your opponent attacks, <Blast Digivolve> [BT17-039 ShineGreymon] into [BT17-041 ShineGreymon: Burst Mode ACE]!
If you use inherited effects to play Tamers, you can use the effect that reduces DP by 5000 for each of your Tamers, allowing you to remove one of your opponent's powerful Digimon.
Take advantage of the When Attacking effect that gives you <Security A. +1> and claim victory!
- BT17-100Doomsday Clock
This is the first card with a victory condition in the Digimon Card Game.
You win the game if you have 4 [Doomsday Clock] cards in your battle area at the start of your turn.
Its [Main] effect can also play a [Diaboromon] Token while placing this card as the bottom digivolution card of one of your Digimon with [Diaboromon] in its name, and its inherited effect is a powerful defensive effect.
- BT17-060Armageddemon
Armageddemon from Digimon Adventure 02: Revenge of Diaboromon is here.
With its removal effect that references play costs and its ability to attack unsuspended Digimon, this Digimon excels in removal of your opponent's Digimon.
You can also reduce this card's play cost by returning cards with the [Unidentified] trait or [Diaboromon] in their texts from your trash to the bottom of the deck.
With three different keyword skills, this card can be used in a variety of strategies for both offense and defense.
This Option card gives <De-Digivolve 2> to an opponent's Digimon, and it allows you to play a [Diaboromon] Token if you have a [Diaboromon] in play.
[EX6-036 Keramon]'s On Play effect allows you to add a card with [Diaboromon] in its text to your hand, giving it great affinity with this deck.
This Option card gives <De-Digivolve 2> to an opponent's Digimon, and it allows you to play a [Diaboromon] Token if you have a [Diaboromon] in play.
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-005 | Tsumemon | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT5-059 | Keramon | 2 |
BT17-053 | Keramon | 4 |
EX6-036 | Keramon | 4 |
BT2-059 | Kurisarimon | 4 |
BT5-063 | Kurisarimon | 4 |
EX6-039 | Kurisarimon | 2 |
BT17-055 | Infermon | 4 |
EX6-041 | Infermon | 4 |
BT17-059 | Diaboromon | 4 |
EX6-043 | Diaboromon | 3 |
P-114 | Diaboromon Ace | 1 |
BT5-085 | Armageddemon | 2 |
BT17-060 | Armageddemon | 2 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT5-090 | Arata Sanada | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-100 | Doomsday Clock | 4 |
P-107 | Defense Training | 2 |
This deck focuses on playing and using multiple tokens while digivolving into [Diaboromon].
In the opening turns, add [BT17-100 Doomsday Clock] cards to your hand while breeding your Digimon and digivolving them into [Diaboromon].
Once you have [Diaboromon] in your battle area, use [BT17-100 Doomsday Clock] and place multiple tokens on your field.
At the mid-point of the game, use extra copies of [BT17-100 Doomsday Clock] and [BT5-090 Arata Sanada] to get even more tokens on your field and use these tokens by different kinds of [Diaboromon] Digimons.
Toward the end of the game, try to meet [BT17-100 Doomsday Clock]'s victory condition while removing Digimon using [BT17-060 Armageddemon] and attacking with multiple tokens. This will give you two paths to victory!
- BT17-098Hacker Pride
This Option card can be used with Pulsemon and the heroic hacker judge Leon Alexander from Digimon Seekers.
It allows you to add a card with [Pulsemon] in its text to your hand.
Its <Delay> effect also adds a card to your security stack, giving it great affinity with [Pulsemon] decks that reference the number of cards in your security stack.
- BT17-040Kazuchimon
Kazuchimon, one of the stars of Digimon Seekers, gets a new Mega card in this set.
This Digimon's When Digivolving effect can suspend a Digimon, and it can give all of your opponent's Digimon <Security A. -1> if you use <Mind Link> with [Leon Alexander], allowing you to weaken your opponent's attacks!
If you have 4 or more security cards, this Option card has you trash cards until you have 3 left. It also allows you to delete a level 5 or lower Digimon.
If you have 2 or fewer security cards, you place this card at the bottom of your security stack and remove an opponent's Digimon. This is a powerful card that can reduce your opponent's ability to attack while adjusting the number of cards in your security stack so you have 3 cards.
If you have 4 or more security cards, this Option card has you trash cards until you have 3 left. It also allows you to delete a level 5 or lower Digimon.
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-003 | Bibimon | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT6-033 | Pulsemon | 4 |
BT16-039 | Pulsemon | 4 |
BT17-030 | Pulsemon | 4 |
BT16-043 | Runnermon | 3 |
BT16-055 | Namakemon | 3 |
BT17-034 | Bulkmon | 4 |
BT16-044 | Pistmon | 1 |
BT16-059 | Shootmon | 1 |
BT16-074 | Climbmon | 2 |
BT17-036 | Boutmon | 4 |
BT16-080 | Shroudmon | 3 |
BT17-040 | Kazuchimon | 4 |
BT17-101 | Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi | 2 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT16-086 | Hacker Judge | 3 |
BT17-086 | Leon Alexander | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-098 | Hacker Pride | 4 |
This [Pulsemon] deck is has additional power-ups over BT-16.
At the beginning of the game, use the new [BT17-098 Hacker Pride] Option card to add cards for your digivolution lines and Tamers to your hand while you prepare to breed [Pulsemon] Digimon. Use [BT17-030 Pulsemon]'s effect to immediately <Mind Link> with [Leon Alexander] and speed up digivolution. Once you <Mind Link> [Leon Alexander] with [BT17-036 Boutmon], you'll have a strong defensive effect and will easily be able to digivolve into a level 6 Digimon card with [Pulsemon] in its text.
Starting around the mid-point of the game, make use of [BT17-098 Hacker Pride]'s <Delay> effect to place the top card of your Digimon on top of your security stack, gain memory, and adjust the number of cards in your security card until you have 3 left.
Thanks to [Pulsemon] decks' unique feature of having Digimon such as [BT16-080 Shroudmon] and [BT17-040 Kazuchimon] with effects that activate when you have 3 or more/less security cards, you'll have access to various strategies that will give you the upper hand against your opponent. Show your hacker spirit of justice!
- BT17-069Fenriloogamon
This set includes a new [Fenriloogamon] card.
This Digimon's When Digivolving effect lets you play a [Fenriloogamon] or [Kazuchimon] from your trash if you have [Eiji Nagasumi] in its digivolution cards. Its All Turns effect can remove a Digimon when one of your Digimon or Tamers that has the [SoC] trait or [Pulsemon] in its text is played.
This Digimon gives you powerful removal effects both when digivolving and when <Mind Link> is cancelled.
- BT17-101Fenriloogamon:
Takemikazuchi -
A miraculous digivolution between [Fenriloogamon] and [Kazuchimon], [Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi] finally arrives!
Its When Digivolving effect has a powerful DP-reducing ability, and it sets the memory to 3 on your opponent's side if DNA digivolving.
Plus, if a Tamer card is in its digivolution cards, you gain 1 memory and <Recovery +1 (Deck)>. When used in combination with [BT17-069 Fenriloogamon]'s inherited effect, you'll be able to quickly make attacks.
This Digimon's When Attacking effect can trash a card from both players' security stacks.
You can use this in combination with [BT17-040 Kazuchimon]'s inherited effect to further reduce your opponent's security stack and remove their Digimon.
When you use this card, you can digivolve into a Digimon with the [X Antibody] trait with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.
[Loogamon]'s digivolution line includes the [X Antibody] trait, so this Option card has great affinity with that Digimon. Combined with its inherited effect, it can be a major advantage in the game.
When you use this card, you can digivolve into a Digimon with the [X Antibody] trait with the digivolution cost reduced by 1.
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT17-006 | Bowmon | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT14-071 | Loogamon | 4 |
BT15-071 | Loogamon | 4 |
BT14-074 | Loogarmon | 4 |
BT15-011 | Tyrannomon | 4 |
BT15-075 | Loogarmon | 2 |
BT15-064 | Megadramon | 3 |
BT16-010 | Helloogarmon | 2 |
BT16-076 | Soloogarmon | 3 |
BT14-081 | Fenriloogamon | 2 |
BT17-040 | Kazuchimon | 3 |
BT17-069 | Fenriloogamon | 4 |
BT17-101 | Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi | 3 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT14-087 | Eiji Nagasumi | 4 |
BT17-091 | Code Cracker Fang | 4 |
Card No. | Card Name | Quantity |
BT16-099 | The Demon Wolf of the Castle of Nine Wolves | 4 |
This new [Fenriloogamon] deck boasts advanced control abilities.
In the first few turns, take advantage of [BT16-099 The Demon Wolf of the Castle of Nine Wolves] and play [Eiji Nagasumi] or [Code Cracker Fang] while you try to get [BT17-040 Kazuchimon] and [BT17-101 Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi] in your trash.
In the mid-game turns, digivolve into [BT17-069 Fenriloogamon], play [BT17-040 Kazuchimon], and battle while taking advantage of effects such as DP-reduction and <Recovery +1 (Deck)> that are new to [Fenriloogamon] decks.
[BT17-101 Fenriloogamon: Takemikazuchi]'s trashing effect also lets you quickly DNA digivolve and unleash a powerful attack that can bring you victory!
- *Images may differ from actual product.
- *Product specifications are subject to change.
- *Prices are manufacturer's suggested retail prices.