![POINT3 The new [Fortitude] keyword effect is here!](../../../../images/products/pack/ex-05/special/point_03.png?230825)
- EX5-074Fanglongmon
- The emperor Digimon, Fanglongmon, finally appears as a Digimon card.Its On Play and When Attacking effect gives all of your opponent's Digimon -4000 DP for each (up to 4) of your Deva and/or Four Sovereigns cards that you return from your trash to the bottom of your deck.If you return 4 cards, all of your opponent's Digimon get -16000 DP. Their Digimon won't be able to easily withstand such a fearsome DP-reducing attack! Fanglongmon's Huanglong Ore gives it immunity to effects from your opponent's Digimon, making for godlike defense!
- EX5-072Holy Beasts Great
Cardinal Positions - This Option card allow you to play Fanglongmon. It has a very high cost of 12, but fortunately you can reduce the cost by 1 for each Deva and/or Four Sovereigns card with a different name in your trash. Once you have enough cards in your trash, you can use it for a low cost and then play a Fanglongmon without paying the cost. Play a Fanglongmon when your oppoennt leasts expects it so you can wipe out their Digimon with its strong DP reducing effect!
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX2-007 Mother D-Reaper 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-009 Indramon 2 EX5-010 Sandiramon 2 EX5-011 Pajiramon 1 EX5-019 Antylamon 2 EX5-021 Majiramon 2 EX5-022 Mihiramon 1 EX5-037 Vajramon 2 EX5-038 Vikaralamon 1 EX5-040 Kumbhiramon 2 EX5-050 Sinduramon 1 EX5-051 Caturamon 2 EX5-052 Makuramon 2 EX5-013 Zhuqiaomon ACE 4 EX5-024 Azulongmon ACE 4 EX5-041 Ebonwumon ACE 4 EX5-053 Baihumon ACE 4 EX5-074 Fanglongmon 4 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT8-086 Hiro Amanokawa 2 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-071 Loyalty Deeper than the Sea 4 EX5-072 Holy Beasts Great Cardinal Positions 4 -
Play multiple Deva Digimon in the opening turns, then use effects to draw cards and play more Deva cards in your breeding area for a chain of powerful Digimon! Use the various effects on Deva cards to whittle down your opponent's security stack.
If your opponent's Digimon should attack, you can <Blast Digivolve> your Deva Digimon into Four Sovereigns cards! With strong inherited effects and supporting effects for your other cards, you'll soon control the battle area! The Four Sovereigns Digimon are also ACE cards, so you can play them easily! In the final turns, you can use [EX5-072 Holy Beasts Great Cardinal Positions] or digivolve to make the advent of [EX5-074 Fanglongmon] in battle area! Once you play a Fanglongmon, it will be hard to defeat thanks to its defensive effect. Combined with its DP-reducing effect, you can easily dominate the field and achieve victory! -
- BT9-086Kiyoshiro
A Tamer card that appeared in the 9th booster packs, X Record. When a level 5 Digimon attacks, you get <Draw 1> if you have 7 or fewer cards in your hand! This is a perfect match for Deva and Four Sovereigns cards, as they are all level 5. Use your Deva Digimon to attack while using Kiyoshiro's draw effect to get Four Sovereigns cards ready for <Blast Digivolve>!

- EX5-026MetalGarurumon
(X Antibody) - A new MetalGarurumon (X Antibody) card, now with the power of purple! When digivolving, until the end of your opponent's turn, all of their Digimon gain "[When Attacking] Lose 4 memory," hindering their attacks. Since it affects all of their Digimon, this is a very useful and powerful effect that also affects their Digimon that are later played from their breeding area or hand. Its When Attacking effect doesn't have [Once Per Turn], so you can use it multiple times to delete their Digimon. Ready a card from your trash by placing it at the bottom of your deck, then unleash an attack! Delete a Digimon with the same level!
- EX5-018Garurumon
(X Antibody) - A powerful level 4 card that can switch cards from your hand with cards from your deck when digivolving. You gain 1 memory if you digivolve into this card from Garurumon, so be sure to use cards like [ST16-14 Matt Ishida] and [BT9-092 Cool Boy] to gain even more memory. Its inherited effect gives it a special defensive ability that prevents deletion in battle by returning 2 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck. Use a digivolved [Garurumon] or [Omnimon] from on top of this card to attack!
(X Antibody)
X Antibody
Proto Form
Card No. Card Name Quantity ST16-01 Tsunomon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-015 Gabumon (X Antibody) 4 ST6-03 Gabumon 4 ST16-03 Gabumon 4 EX5-018 Garurumon (X Antibody) 4 ST6-06 Garurumon 2 ST16-08 Garurumon 4 EX5-023 WereGarurumon (X Antibody) 4 ST16-11 WereGarurumon 4 ST16-12 MetalGarurumon ACE 4 EX5-026 MetalGarurumon (X Antibody) 4 BT5-087 Omnimon Zwart 1 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT9-092 Cool Boy 4 ST16-14 Matt Ishida 3 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-070 X Antibody Proto Form 3 ST16-16 Baldy Blow 1 -
First, use [EX5-018 Garurumon (X Antibody)] or [ST16-08 Garurumon] to switch out cards in your hand and prepare your trash. Once you have a card digivolved into [ST16-11 WereGarurumon], start attacking! After multiple attacks with WereGarurumon, digivolve into [EX5-023 WereGarurumon (X Antibody)]! Use inherited effects to unsuspend cards while getting back required cards from your trash. If you use [X Antibody Proto Form], you can digivolve for a low cost. Then digivolve an unsuspended WereGarurumon (X Antibody) into [ST16-12 MetalGarurumon ACE or [EX5-026 MetalGarurumon (X Antibody)]! Victory will soon be at hand once you use inherited effects to unsuspend cards and When Attaking effects to remove your opponent's Digimon. Now that Garurumon is armed with the power of X-Antibody, use it to unleash a volley of furious attacks!
- BT9-031MetalGarurumon
(X Antibody)
The MetalGarurumon (X Antibody) that appeared in the 9th booster packs, X Record. This Digimon unsuspends and gains Blocker when digivolving. You also return all of your opponent's Digimon with the lowest level to their owner's hand when this Digimon becomes unsuspended. Until now, the inherited effects on Blue Garurumon cards didn't have an unsuspending effect, but that's changed thanks to [EX5-023 WereGarurumon (X Antibody)]'s inherited effect!

- EX5-055HeavyLeomon
- You can remove your opponent's Digimon with this card's <De-Digivolve 1> and its effect that sends an opponent’s Digimon that has 6000 DP or lower to the bottom of their deck. When you use this with the On Deletion inherited effects on the Leomon cards in this set, you'll be able to severely weaken your opponent's Digimon and send their cards to the bottom of their deck. The End of Attack effect lets you send an opponent’s Digimon that has 4000 DP or lower to the bottom of his deck, and if you can't, you can unsuspend this card! Rule over the battle area with a burning spirit!
- EX5-034BanchoLeomon
- A heroic Digimon that's useful as soon as it's played. When the total cards in both players' security stacks is reduced to 6 or less, this card can enter the battle area for a low cost! You can suspend an opponent's Digimon both on play and when digivolving. You can also weaken your opponent's Digimon when a Digimon becomes suspended. Use effects in response to you or your opponent's Digimon attacking/blocking or a BanchoLeomon being played/digivolving!
- EX5-032 LoaderLiomon
- EX5-047 Leomon
- EX5-049 GrapLeomon
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-004 Frimon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT9-045 Elecmon 4 EX5-027 Liollmon 4 EX5-044 Elecmon 4 BT14-048 Leomon 4 EX5-030 Liamon 4 EX5-047 Leomon 4 EX5-032 LoaderLeomon 4 EX5-049 GrapLeomon 4 EX5-034 BanchoLeomon 3 EX5-055 HeavyLeomon 4 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT3-093 Davis Motomiya 3 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-068 Flashy Boss Punch 4 P-038 Green Memory Boost! 4 -
Level 4 cards in this deck have When Attacking effects that can digivolve a card into a Digimon card with “Leomon” in its name. First digivolve a card into [EX5-047 Leomon] or [EX5-030 Liamon] and attack. Once you attack, digivolve a card into [EX5-032 LoaderLeomon] or [EX5-049 GrapLeomon]! These cards have <Fortitude>, allowing you to safely attack even if it means you have to pass the turn.
If you can digivolve a level 5 Digimon into the formidable [EX5-055 HeavyLeomon], you'll be able to remove your opponent's Digimon and unsuspend this card, giving you reign over the battlefield. By digivolving a card into [EX5-034 BanchoLeomon], you'll be able to uses its fighting spirit to weaken your opponent's Digimon and control the battle area. Use this new Leomon deck to unleash furious attacks and claim victory! -
- BT14-054SaberLeomon
A Leomon card from the 14th booster pack, Blast Ace. This level 6 Digimon is an attack specialist! The card has a When Digivolving effect that unsuspends itself and suspends an opponent's Digimon. Its End of Your Turn effect also allows it to attack an opponent's Digimon, so you can attack a suspended Digimon even if your turn is about to end! Be sure to also take advantage of <Piercing> so you can reduce your opponent's security stack!

- EX5-063Leviamon
- One of the Seven Great Demon Lords, Leviamon is the devil beast of envy. In addition to <Security A. +1>, this card's On Play/When Digivolving effect allows you to delete several of your opponent's Digimon if your opponent has as many or more total Digimon and Tamers as you. This card's All Turns effect activates each time an opponent's Digimon is deleted to give you an extra memory. Build up your memory every time you delete a Digimon! An effect can also be activated on play, so you can play this card in the battle area as needed!
- EX5-069Biting Crush
- If you trash 1 card in your hand, you can delete 1 of your opponent's level 6 or lower Digimon. If the trashed card is a Seven Great Demon Lords card, you can place this card in the battle area.
If an effect plays an opponent's Digimon while this card is placed in the battle area, you can awaken a Leviamon sulmbering in your trash and play it in the battle area! Take a bite out of your opponent's Digimon!
Rage Mode
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-006 Kapurimon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-078 Phascomon 4 EX5-056 Syakomon 4 ST16-03 Gabumon 4 BT7-069 Eyesmon: Scatter Mode 2 BT13-081 Porcupamon 4 EX5-058 Octomon 4 BT13-084 Astamon 4 EX5-060 Dragomon 4 BT13-088 Belphemon: Sleep Mode 4 BT13-091 Belphemon: Rage Mode 4 EX5-063 Leviamon 4 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT2-090 Yamato Ishida 1 ST16-14 Yamato Ishida 1 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-109 Gift of Darkness 2 EX5-069 Biting Crush 4 -
Victory will be within reach if you can play a [EX5-063 Leviamon] and feast on the battle area.
This deck has cards that digivolve into level 6 Digimon, but if your opponent has a deck that plays cards by effects, another good strategy would be using [EX5-069 Biting Crush] early in the game to place that card in the battle area. If your opponent doesn't play Digimon by effects, use [EX5-058 Octomon] or [EX5-060 Dragomon]'s effect to play an opponent's Digimon and activate Biting Crush's <Delay>.
Once the <Delay> effect has awakened Leviamon, you can use <Security A. +1> to reduce your opponent's security stack. Use the power of envy to destroy everything and claim victory! -
- BT3-091Lilithmon
This reprinted card from the 1st Reboot Booster set features support for Option cards and a Seven Great Demon Lords design. You can return up to 2 Option cards from your trash to your hand when digivolving, so you'll want to get [EX5-069 Biting Crush] back. Plus, you gain 2 memory from Lilithmon's effect if you use an Option card, allowing you to use Biting Crush for a low final cost!

- EX5-007Coronamon
- This deck is centered on the inherited effects of level 3 Digimon. As with [EX5-016 Lunamon]'s inherited effect, you can gain 2 memory by placing the top card of this Digimon with the [Night Claw] or [Light Fang] trait as this Digimon's bottom digivolution card. Choose the right moment to use this effect and switch your digivolutions! With this deck, your level 5 and greater Digimon get power ups according to the number of digivolution cards. Use this effect to digivole again into level 4 and add digivolution cards.
- EX5-073GraceNovamon
- The legendary Galaxy Digimon, a fusion of Apollomon and Dianamon! You can trash digivolution cards if this card is DNA digivolved, allowing you to negate your opponent's strong digivolution cards. In addition, when this Digimon would leave the battle area by an opponent's effect, you can by trash 2 same-level cards in this Digimon's digivolution cards to prevent it from leaving! Thanks to galaxy-level power, the universe will be in your hand!
- EX5-016Lunamon
- EX5-014Apollomon
- EX5-025Dianamon
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-001 Sunmon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-007 Coronamon 4 EX5-016 Lunamon 4 EX5-008 Firamon 4 EX5-017 Lekismon 4 EX5-012 Flaremon 4 EX5-020 Crescemon 4 EX5-014 Apollomon 4 EX5-025 Dianamon 4 EX5-073 GraceNovamon 2 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-064 Koh & Sayo 4 EX5-065 Sayo & Koh 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity EX5-066 Phoebus Blow 4 EX5-067 Good Night Moon 4 -
You can use this deck to switch digivolutions and battle using Digimon that get power ups from increased digivolution cards. Start off by using [EX5-007 Coronamon] or [EX5-016 Lunamon]'s inherited effect or [EX5-064 Koh & Sayo] to switch your digivolutions while increasing your digivolution cards. When you digivolve a card into [EX5-014 Apollomon], you'll be able to activate a powerful deletion/removal effect while removing cards from your opponent's security stack. If you can digivolve a card into [EX5-025 Dianamon], you can activate powerful effects that trash a digivolution card and prevent all your opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards from suspending. If you properly switch digivolutions, you'll be able to digivolve cards into both [EX5-014 Apollomon] and [EX5-025 Dianamon] in the same turn. In the last turns, use [EX5-065 Sayo & Koh]'s Start of Opponent's Turn effect to DNA digivolve Apollomon and Dianamon into [EX5-073 GraceNovamon]! Achieve victory with GraceNovamon's strong removal effect and defensive effect!
- BT11-007Biyomon
This level 3 Digimon was included in the 11th booster packs, Dimensional Phase.
Since its On Play effect allows you to add 1 red Digimon card with the [Vaccine] trait and 1 red Tamer card to your hand, you can use it to increase your Light Fang cards. This Digimon is extremely useful for the cards in this deck that require multiple cards to digivolve!