![Introducing 7 must-see points!](../../../../images/products/pack/ver14/special/img_01.png?02)
- BT14-014MetalGreymon ACE
A reborn MetalGreymon enters the battle, now equipped with <Blast Digivolve>!
You can delete an opponent's Digimon with 6000 DP or less on play and when digivolving.
You can play this Digimon for a low cost, remove an opponent‘s Digimon, and use <Blast Digivolve> to try and delete an opponent’s Digimon during your opponent’s turn!
Play a card or digivolve: Use ACE's strengths to their full potential by choosing the best choice in various situations!
- BT14-101WarGreymon
When an opponent's powerful Digimon stands in your path, Tai can give your Agumon the ability to warp digivolve into this WarGreymon!
Use quick offensive tactics with combinations of attack-related effects such as <Rush>, <Piercing>, and <S Attack +1> so you can make your way to victory!
- BT14-007Agumon
- BT14-012Greymon
- BT14-090Dragon of Courage
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-001 Koromon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity ST7-02 Agumon 2 BT12-059 Agumon 4 BT14-007 Agumon 4 RB1-004 Agumon 4 BT12-062 Greymon 3 BT14-012 Greymon 4 RB1-010 Greymon 4 ST15-11 MetalGreymon 2 BT14-014 MetalGreymon ACE 4 BT14-076 SkullGreymon 4 BT14-101 WarGreymon 4 BT5-086 Omnimon 2 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT1-085 Taichi Yagami 2 BT14-082 Tai Kamiya 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-089 Mega Flame 1 BT14-090 Dragon of Courage 2 -
First get [BT14-082 Tai Kamiya] ready while breeding [BT14-007 Agumon].
After you've moved [BT14-007 Agumon] to the battle area, use its effect to digivolve into [BT14-012 Greymon] without paying the cost!
Power up Greymon with [BT14-082 Tai Kamiya]'s effect and attack your opponent.
Once it digivolves into [BT14-076 SkullGreymon], trash MetalGreymon cards from your hand and get [BT14-090 Dragon of Courage] ready!
Your next Agumon can immediately warp digivolve using [BT14-090 Dragon of Courage] or [BT14-101 WarGreymon]'s own effect! Claim victory through the power of courage!
![MetalGreymon ACE](../../../../images/products/pack/ver14/special/deck_01.png?02)
- BT14-020Gomamon
A new Gomamon joins the battle with an effect that can activate at the start of your main phase!
This powerful effect allows you to choose a digivolution card under an opponent's Digimon and trash it. Use this to weaken an opponent's Digimon by negating a strong inherited effect.
This Digimon also has an effect that prevents it from being blocked, making for effective attacks even after Gomamon digivolves.
Thanks to its inherited effect, Gomamon can also return to the battle after removal, giving you multiple fighting chances!
- BT14-026Zudomon ACE
An ACE Digimon with <Blast Digivolve>!
Both on play and when digivolving, this Digimon can trash 2 of your opponent's Digimon's digivolution cards and return their Digimon with no digivolution cards to their hand.
Your attacks will become more effective if you digivolve when countering and remove an opponent's Digimon after weakening them.
You can weaken their Digimon immediately after playing this card.
Unleash the power of ACE by knowing the best times to use it!
- BT14-002Bukamon
- BT14-023Ikkakumon
- BT14-029Plesiomon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-002 Bukamon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT5-022 Bulucomon 4 BT14-020 Gomamon 4 P-004 Gomamon 4 BT14-023 Ikkakumon 4 EX3-019 Paledramon 4 BT5-028 CrysPaledramon 4 BT7-021 Kumamon 3 BT14-026 Zudomon ACE 4 BT6-029 Azulongmon 2 BT14-029 Plesiomon 4 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-083 Joe Kido 4 BT5-088 Sora Takenouchi & Joe Kido 3 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-091 Wave of Reliability 3 BT14-092 Marching Fishes 3 -
First take advantage of a Digimon like [BT14-023 Ikkakumon] that can trash digivolution cards and reduce the number of powerful digivolution cards under your opponent's Digimon. Once their total digivolution cards have decreased, [BT14-002 Bukamon]'s effect gives it <Jamming>. Then, attack with a level 4 Digimon like [BT14-023 Ikkakumon].
When your opponent attacks, <Blast Digivolve> into [BT14-026 Zudomon ACE]!
Remove even more digivolution cards when countering, and return opponent's Digimon with no digivolution cards to their hand.
Once you've reduced your opponent's security stack enough, digivolve into [BT14-029 Plesiomon], then trash their digivolution cards and use unsuspended attacks to claim victory!
![Zudomon ACE](../../../../images/products/pack/ver14/special/deck_02.png?02)
- BT14-037MagnaAngemon
An ACE Digimon with the new <Blast Digivolve> digivolution!
You can increase your security stack on play and when digivolving, and your opponent gets a DP-reducing effect according to the number of your security cards.
Weaken your opponent's Digimon by playing this card!
Use <Blast Digivolve> and increase your security stack for better defense.
This card is great for strong defensive plays!
- BT14-102Angemon
By deleting this card when attacking, you can activate a removal effect that sends an opponent's card with the Virus trait to their security stack.
You can also place this card in your own security stack when it's deleted, and it has an effect that hatches a Digi-Egg as a reference to the anime series.
You can use [BT14-094 Heaven's Knuckle] to force activation of [BT14-102 Angemon]'s [On Deletion] effect and send an opponent's card to their security stack without restriction!
Once Angemon is sent to your security stack, use it again with [BT14-033 Patamon] or [BT14-093 Emissary of Hope]!
- BT14-041Seraphimon
- BT14-084Takeru Takaishi
- BT14-093Emissary of Hope
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-003 Tokomon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity ST3-04 Patamon 4 BT13-034 Kudamon 4 BT14-033 Patamon 4 ST10-04 Gatomon 3 BT13-012 GeoGreymon 4 BT14-102 Angemon 4 BT14-037 MagnaAngemon ACE 4 EX1-029 MagnaAngemon 4 BT11-045 ClavisAngemon 2 BT14-041 Seraphimon 4 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT1-087 Takeru Takaishi 2 BT14-084 Takeru Takaishi 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-093 Emissary of Hope 3 BT14-094 Heaven's Knuckle 1 P-105 Physical Training 3 -
Be sure to play [BT14-084 Takeru Takaishi] early in the game! Prepare cards in your security stack for digivolving using [BT14-093 Emissary of Hope] and try to save up your memory!
After you've digivolved into [BT14-102 Angemon], you can attack and reduce your opponent's security stack, and you can use the When Attacking effect to remove an opponent's Virus Digimon or low-cost Digimon.
Toward the end of the game, use [BT14-037 MagnaAngemon ACE] to recover security cards and use the DP-reducing effect to weaken or remove opponent cards. Then use [BT14-041 Seraphimon] for security recovery and <S Attack +1> for offense!
![MagnaAngemon ACE](../../../../images/products/pack/ver14/special/deck_03.png?02)
- BT14-044Palmon
This card gives an opponent's Digimon a "When this Digimon becomes suspended, lose 2 memory" effect at the start of your main phase.
The affected Digimon will lose 2 memory when it's suspended by another card's effect or when it attacks, making this card great for defensive strategies!
- BT14-049Lilymon ACE
On play and when digivolving, you can suspend 1 of your opponent's Digimon and return a suspended Digimon with 5000 DP or less to the bottom of their deck.
If you use <Blast Digivolve>, you can suspend an opponent's Digimon and stop later attacks, and you can remove a lower DP Digimon by playing this card!
Since the effect is a "you may return [...] to the bottom of the deck" effect, you can also choose to not return it in order to use your opponent's suspended cards for [BT13-060 Rosemon: Burst Mode]'s effect!
- BT14-053Rosemon
- BT13-060Rosemon:
Burst Mode
- BT14-085Mimi Tachikawa
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-004 Tanemon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT10-046 Palmon 4 BT13-049 Lalamon 4 BT14-044 Palmon 4 BT10-048 Sunflowmon 2 BT13-050 Sunflowmon 4 BT14-046 Togemon 4 BT13-054 Lilamon 4 BT14-049 Lillymon ACE 4 BT13-057 Rosemon 3 BT14-053 Rosemon 4 BT13-060 Rosemon: Burst Mode 3 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT13-100 Yoshino Fujieda 4 BT14-085 Mimi Tachikawa 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-095 Poison Ivy 1 BT14-096 Blooming of Sincerity 1 -
If you use [BT14-044 Palmon]'s Start of Your Main Phase effect to give an opponent's Digimon a "When this Digimon becomes suspended, lose 2 memory" effect, you can take advantage of [BT14-085 Mimi Tachikawa] or [BT13-100 Yoshino Fujieda]'s effects and digivolve that Palmon into a level 6 card such as [BT14-053 Rosemon]!
If you use [BT14-053 Rosemon]'s effect to suspend an opponent's Digimon, the "When this Digimon becomes suspended, lose 2 memory" effect that was given to your opponent's Digimon by Palmon's effect will activate.
Then build up enough memory so you can perform your next digivolution or digivolve into [BT13-060 Rosemon: Burst Mode] and quickly reduce your opponent's security stack.
Use an accelerated digivolution to let a rose of victory bloom!
![Lilymon ACE](../../../../images/products/pack/ver14/special/deck_04.png?02)
- BT14-086Satsuki Tamahime
A Tamer from Digimon Seekers with the new <Mind Link> keyword!
By using <Mind Link> with Numemon, Monzaemon, or a Digimon with the DigiPolice trait, you can easily gain <Jamming> and <Reboot>.
This set’s new DigiPolice Digimon and Numemon have strong support for both offense and defense.
This card's [Start of Your Main Phase] effect is also easy to use and increases your memory!
- BT14-068Brigadramon
A new Mega Digimon with D-Brigade.
Its When Digiolving effect is easy to use and can delete up to 7 play cost's total worth of your opponent's Digimon!
Plus, this card allows you to continuously place Digimon in the battle area thanks to its End of Your Turn effect that plays cards with the D-Brigade or DigiPolice trait.
It also has a powerful Opponent's Turn effect that gives <Blocker> to all of your Digimon with the D-Brigade trait!
- BT14-056Comman
- BT14-064Cargo
- EX3-054Dark
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-005 Missimon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT3-059 Commandramon 4 BT4-063 Commandramon 4 BT14-056 Commandramon 4 EX3-046 Commandramon 4 BT14-058 Numemon 3 BT14-060 Hi-Commandramon 4 EX3-049 Sealsdramon 4 BT14-064 Cargodramon 4 EX3-051 Tankdramon 4 BT4-074 Darkdramon 1 BT14-068 Brigadramon 4 EX3-054 Darkdramon 2 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-086 Satsuki Tamahime 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-098 DCD Bomb 4 -
Early in the game, try to digivolve into [BT14-068 Brigadramon] while using [BT14-056 Cargodramon] to search for the needed cards!
Use new cards such as [BT14-060 Hi-Commandramon], [BT14-064 Cargodramon], and [BT14-068 Brigadramon] that can place Digimon in order to gather cards with the D-Brigade trait.
Activate <Mind Link> on [BT14-086 Satsuki Tamahime] so you can safely use the placed Digimon to attack.
When you get close to the end of the game, use your powered-up cards in the battle area and [EX3-054 Darkdramon] to fight your way to victory!
- BT14-087Eiji Nagasumi
The main character from Digimon Seekers with the new <Mind Link> keyword!
By using <Mind Link> with a Dark Animal or SoC Digimon, you can easily gain <Alliance> and <Blocker>! Maximize the potential of <Alliance> and <Blocker> by combining them with [BT14-081 Fenriloogamon]'s effects.
By using[BT14-071 Loogamon]'s effects, you can add a card from your trash to digivolution cards!
- BT14-081Fenriloogamon
This Digimon has a special "The turn end condition is the opponent having 3 or more memory" effect!
Plus, the maximum value of this effect can be activated by Mind Linking this Digimon with Eiji Nagasumi!
You can increase the number of Digimon that can be played using this card's When Digivolving effect, delete higher level Digimon with this card's When Attacking effect, and power-up <Alliance> in [BT14-087 Eiji Nagasumi]'s inherited effects.
- BT14-074Loogarmon
- BT14-078Helloogarmon
- BT14-079Soloogarmon
Card No. Card Name Quantity BT14-006 Bowmon 4 Digimon
Card No. Card Name Quantity ST16-03 Gabumon 4 BT13-078 Phascomon 4 BT14-071 Loogamon 4 BT14-072 Fangmon 4 BT14-074 Loogarmon 4 RB1-028 BlackGatomon Uver. 4 BT14-078 Helloogarmon 4 BT14-079 Soloogarmon 4 BT14-081 Fenriloogamon 4 ST16-12 MetalGarurumon ACE 1 ST16-13 SkullMammothmon 1 Tamer
Card No. Card Name Quantity ST16-14 Matt Ishida 2 BT14-087 Eiji Nagasumi 4 Option
Card No. Card Name Quantity ST16-16 Baldy Blow 2 P-108 Wisdom Training 4 -
First prepare level 4 or lower Digimon with the Dark Animal or SoC trait in your trash, and search for [BT14-071 Loogamon] and [BT14-087 Eiji Nagasumi].
Use [BT14-078 Helloogarmon] wisely and send cards from your hand to your trash while removing your opponent's Digimon!
[BT14-006 Bowmon]'s effect allows you to digivolve (by paying the cost) into a Digimon with the Dark Animal or SoC trait you trashed from your hand.
<Mind Link> [BT14-087 Eiji Nagasumi] with [BT14-074 Loogarmon] and attack.
Trash [BT14-079 Soloogarmon] from your hand then digivolve it.
You can also use [BT14-079 Soloogarmon]'s effects to play [BT14-072 Fangmon] and trash [BT14-081 Fenriloogamon] from your hand, then use [BT14-006 Bowmon]'s effect to digivolve it again!
Use [BT14-081 Fenriloogamon]'s effects to activate <Alliance> with the revived Digimon, then show your opponent the power of Cracker Fang with a fierce barrage!